I'm 36 and blonde(luckily). My body hair is very long, up to 3 inches long on my arms and legs. It looks like bed head for the body. Is there a way to control it or a good way to remove it without spending a lot of money? I'm very self conscious about it. I like to wear shorts and t-shirts, but feel stupid. Any opinions or suggestions would be appreciated.
What is the best way for a man to deal with excessively long body hair?
Try using electric hair clippers with an attachment so that it's not clipping down to the skin but rather to the desired length. That way you don't have to go swim team style but still keep it under control.
What is the best way for a man to deal with excessively long body hair?
Have you considered waxing? A lot of men now shave body parts that most men would never have considered shaving several years ago. I know men that shave their legs, arms and chests, because they or their partner prefers the smooth look and feel. Shaving is the cheapest way to get rid of the hair. Waxing will cost more, but will last longer.
What is the best way for a man to deal with excessively long body hair?
shaving is the cheapest way to get rid of hair but since ur hair is long make sure u cutt some of it first before you shave.... but its a good length for waxing which you can do yourself... but I wouldnt considering you have so much hair or you could use some of those hair removing creams.... such as nair.... or veet... If i was in your situation I would WAX yes it might Hurt but it will last a lot longer.....
What is the best way for a man to deal with excessively long body hair?
Trim it ,forget about waxing or shaving it clean.Guys look nice with some hair around duh?Trim it will make it look just great.Waxing and shaving will results in coarser and thicker hair causing irritation.So yea just trim it guys dont look nice without some hair eh?
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