Friday, November 13, 2009

The short hair VS. long hair question.. what do you men want?

Okay, here's something to get you thinking. And I want an honest answer... Here we go.

You're at a bar with some friends, and suddenly, just like in the movies, the doors swing open and a huge light escapes in, turning your attention towards it. Two beautiful women, who might be twins, stepped in. One has long, beautiful tresses, and the other has short locks. You and your friends walk over to them and talk to them. An hour has pass, and you have realized something odd about the twins; The long haired-one is beautiful, but she seems self-conscious, boring, and bitches about herself. But the short haired one, just as beautiful, is full of life, confidence, has so much interesting and funny stories to share, and for some reason, is sexy as hell.

Which one would you date, considering the shallow ideas of beauty in today's world?

The short hair VS. long hair question.. what do you men want?

i prefer long hair but i dont judge any girl on hair length and some girls look better with short hair than long it really just depends on the person

The short hair VS. long hair question.. what do you men want?

i know i'm a girl, but men like long hair!

The short hair VS. long hair question.. what do you men want?

Err the short haired girl because shes nice? For all we know short hair suited them better then long hair.

The short hair VS. long hair question.. what do you men want?

Thanks god my hair is not too short not too long beautiful as i am...

The short hair VS. long hair question.. what do you men want?

I'm a woman. Men like long hair.

Why the hell would any sane person cut their hair short? If you want short hair, tie it back so at the end of the day you still look nice, not like a boy.

Maybe the long haired one in your scenario is a bore, but she will still score more than the short haired one.

Hair is a very important part of a person's appearance, long beautiful hair is perfect. Short hair?....just no.

Oh, there is actually a biological/evolutionary/instinctive reason for this too. If a woman has long hair, a prospective mate can see how healthy she is. Hair is a record of a person's health. Weak, breaking, dull hair indicates that a person is unhealthy, not able to get enough nutrients for themselves, weak, not a good mate.

Strong shining hair is a sign of good health, so we can't HELP but find it attractive, our brains are hardwired that way.

When a person has short hair, that record of health is not there, and from an evolutionary point of view, it would not make sense to mate with someone who may not be healthy and bear healthy young with good genes.

It's not just a shallow idea you know, there is science behind it.

The short hair VS. long hair question.. what do you men want?

I would date the short-haired one in the example you posed. While I do find long hair more becoming on women, but sexiness is more than one's looks. It's also about how a lady carries herself. Also, nobody wants to date someone they can't stand to be around, so I think the decision is pretty easy in your example.

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